How We Help You / What to Expect on Your First Visit
What to Expect on Your First Visit
Dr. Wagstaff will review your medical history form and discuss your reasons for visiting the office. As part of the consultation she will use the Vega test method to check vitamin and mineral levels as well as organ functions. Dr. Wagstaff will review the findings with you and make some recommendations for your treatment. Further testing for food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities may be done at the first visit but this is determined by the amount of time left in the visit.
All-Natural Medication
Dr. Wagstaff’s treatments and medicine are all natural. We have a natural pharmacy on premises that is stocked with professional lines of supplements. We do not use pharmaceutical drugs in the practice.
My goal is to work collaboratively with patients; as partners we can achieve your optimum health together.
Allergies & Sensitivities
One of the most common conditions people seek my help with is allergies or sensitivities. Allergies are a symptom that the immune system is under stress.
We have thousands of test ampules for foods, inhalants, venoms, pollens, molds, chemicals and hormones. We also have the ability to test any product including prescription drugs. If necessary we can desensitize you to whatever you have become sensitive to. Anything that can be tested can also be desensitized. The desensitization process is necessary to retrain the immune system. Once retrained or balanced the immune system is less stressed and able to function normally.